The UISPP Journal accepts original articles from the fields of Prehistory, Protohistory and all related disciplines, but not normally concerning the archaeology of fully historical periods. Submitted texts must have a minimum length of 7,000 characters (spaces and bibliography excluded) and a maximum length of 60,000 characters (spaces and bibliography excluded). Submissions should be structured as follows: abstract, keywords, introduction, regional setting (for papers focused on a specific geographic area), materials and methods, results, discussion, and conclusions.

The principal languages of the journal are English and French; submissions in any of the other languages of the European Commission are equally welcome. If the article is submitted in a language other than English or French, in addition to the title, keywords, captions, and abstract in the orignal language, you must also provide these in either English or French. In English-language submissions, please use OED spelling.


Papers not following the below format requirements and referencing standards will be not accepted.


IMAGES must be submitted in TIFF or JPEG format, at a minimum resolution of 500 dpi. Images must be labelled as "Figure 1", "Figure 2"… Images must be sent separately from the text. Figures will be reproduced in colour.

A text file with the list of figures must be sent separately, entitled "list of figures".

TABLES can be submitted in MS Word or OpenDocument text format, or using an Excel or OpenDocument spreadsheet. Please keep the layout as simple as possible. Tables must be labelled as "Table 1", "Table 2"…

A text file with the list of tables must be sent separately and titled "list of tables".


Submissions must be in MS Word or OpenDocument format. Save your files using the default extension of the program used.

Keep the the layout of the text simple (unjustified text,  double spacing) and use Times New Roman, 12 pt.

Please follow the following conventions:

Title: CAPITAL BOLD LETTERS (Times New Roman, 12 pt).

Authors: Please put the SURNAME in capital letters  (Times New Roman, 12 pt).

Author affiliations: Please insert a superscript number after each author's last name and list affiliations below the author name(s).



More comprehensive author guidelines, including details on how to format bibliography entries and other referencing conventions are available (in English and French) via the below links:

The UISPP Journal  is an open access journal published by the UISPPISSN 2612-2782PUBLISHER Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques(Paris, France)